Mergers and Acquisitions Buyer Services
We offer search services to public and private companies that are interested in expanding or diversifying through acquisition. We work closely with your in-house M&A staff or serve as a logical alternative for companies that don’t have dedicated acquisition staff. As your corporate development partner, we simplify the search process and improve the likelihood of achieving your objectives. Chapman Associates Mergers and Acquisitions Buyer Services offers no upfront fees to buyers in two separate levels of service:
Corporate Search
Chapman will conduct an aggressive search on your behalf. We will begin by working with you to determine your specific acquisition criteria. Once determined, Chapman will begin an exhaustive search to identify, solicit, and analyze prospective acquisition targets. Chapman will represent you throughout the entire process from initial identification of an acquisition through closing.
Biz Mart℠
We encourage domestic and international buyers to register their acquisition criteria with us. We will enter your acquisition criteria in our proprietary database and notify you of all acquisition targets that meet your acquisition criteria, both now and in the future. Because we generally represent the seller in transactions, there is no charge to qualified buyers for this service.
Whichever level of service you choose, we work with you as your business development partner, helping you achieve your corporate objectives.