Joe W. Denny
Managing Director

Joe Denny is Chapman Associates’ most experienced professional. Joe has over 41 years’ experience arranging middle market deals and has personally arranged and closed more than 150 transactions with a purchase price of $3 million to $100 million.

Prior to joining Chapman, Joe owned and operated a successful high-security, contract building services company in the Midwest. Prior to that, Joe was head of operations for a Midwest regional bank.

Joe earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Southern Illinois University and his Master of Business Administration degree from Roosevelt University, both with a specialization in finance.

Industry practice groups:

  • Transportation
  • Manufacturing

Contact information

In Illinois:
1100 East Woodfield Road
Suite 434
Schaumburg, IL 60173

Telephone (847) 490-0225
Fax (847) 884-0053

In Wyoming:
P.O. Box 11155
Jackson WY 83002-1155

Telephone (847) 490-0225
Fax (847) 884-0053


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